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News - St Petroc's School Nursery children shine at Sports Day event

Children at St Petroc's School Nursery, a nursery and pre-school setting for children aged 3 months to 4 years based in Bude, showed off their sporting prowess in a mini Sports Day event at the setting recently.

Parents, carers and family members alike were welcomed to the event, to watch the children from 'Dolphins' class take part in a variety of games and events, on the huge sports field that sits behind the setting on Ocean View road.

The children enjoyed running races, balanced bean bags on their heads and conquered an obstacle course, plus the event finished off with a 'Mums and Dads' race, with everyone really getting into the spirit of the day. Once the event had finished, parents were then able to join their children in the garden area for a picnic.

Tahira White, Early Years Manager, said: “The children have been busy practising ready for their big day. The event is really good preparation for when the children make the move up to 'big school', plus it's a big self-confidence builder. We have a ribbon at the end of each race for the children to run to and we handed out gold medals, stickers and certificates to everyone that took part as well so they all came away with something, and feel very proud of their achievements”.

Those interested in finding out more about the St Petroc's School Nursery setting or Holiday Club (for children up to 8 years of age) can visit , or call 01288 389832.


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