Our Nursery provision starts at 3 months and takes the children right through to the time that they start formal school in Reception. There are three parts to our Nursery:
Little Turtles – 0 – 2 years
Sea Lions – 2 – 3 years
Dolphins – 3 – 4 years
Many of the children will move from our Dolphins Pre-school to a variety of our local primary state and independent Prep Schools. Our dedicated practitioners will happily help support our transitioning children when they make that step to 'big school'.

The Nursery provision is available from 8am to 6pm, across 2 sessions per day of 8am-1pm with lunch and 1pm-6pm with an optional light tea, Monday to Friday, 50 weeks a year. Free places are available through the 3-4 year old funding.
The children at all phases follow the Early Years Foundation Stage programme. Throughout we focus on the over-arching aim of St Petroc’s School Nursery, which is to help children to develop a sense of self-confidence and self-esteem. We were delighted that the recent ISI Inspection of our Nursery provision was overwhelmingly positive and endorsed our approach.
The Little Turtles and Sea Lions occupy rooms in the main building, which have recently been re-furbished. The Dolphins Pre-schoolers enjoy our purpose built, eco-friendly building, which is warm, light and spacious with free flowing access to two garden areas.
We aim to be as flexible as possible in terms of transitions and settling in sessions. Please do come and visit and meet our friendly Nursery team.
You can arrange an appointment by contacting Tahira White (Early Years Manager) or Vicky Moore (Deputy Early Years Manager) by calling 01288 354 262.