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Dolphins (3 - 4 years)


The Dolphins caters for children aged 3 and 4 years.  The children are entitled to use their 15 hours per week Government free funding.  We operate 49 weeks of the year from 8.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. in a purpose built, bright, lovely, warm building.  Our adult to child ratio is 1:8.


The staff are all Level 3 qualified and have been through the necessary checks through the ‘Disclosure and Barring Service' (DBS).  The Dolphins Manager, Mrs White, holds a BA (Hons) in Early Childhood Studies and The Early Years Professional Status. 


In the Dolphins we work under the revised Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum covering the 7 areas of learning and have a ‘Key Person’ system in place enabling each member of staff to observe, plan for and assess the individual needs and interests of a small group of children.


Each term we hold parental consultations where parents are able to meet with their child’s key person to share information about the child’s progress.

We are very fortunate to have so many local facilities on our doorstep, which gives all the children the chance to have first-hand experiences and explore the wider community with their peers.  They learn how to behave and conduct themselves in different environments such as the bakery, the garden centre and the opticians, to name but a few. Through these outings the children learn how to cross roads safely and how to behave when out and about in public as well as other important skills.


The children have free-flowing access to a fantastic outdoor environment where they engage in activities such as painting, imaginative play, playing with ride on toys, learning to share and take turns on the slide, riding on hobby horses, planting flowers and herbs, den building, exploring sounds and letters of the alphabet and story time. In addition to this, the outdoor space enables children to take part in number games such as hop scotch, number hunt, ‘What’s the time Mr Wolf?’, making a mess in the mud kitchen and so much more!  They also take part in a Fun Sports Day which gives them the opportunity to demonstrate their gross motor skills and team work.


We provide a variety of adult led and child initiated activities which include, amongst other things, cooking, mark making, sensory play, number and phonics activities and role play. The children learn to listen to each other through our group ‘circle times’ and they are encouraged to share special events or achievements through our ‘WOW’ board.


The Dolphins provides an outstanding foundation for children to move on to different primary schools and we do this by promoting and increasing independence and self-confidence.



Dolphins direct line: 


01288 354 262

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